How Solar Panels Can Increase Your Home’s Value and Appeal

Solar Panels

Exploring the benefits of adding solar panels to your property for increased value, quicker sales, and energy savings.

Q – Will adding solar panels to my house increase the property value?

A – The most recent surveys indicate that adding solar panels to a property is likely to increase rather than decrease its value, figures vary between studies, but all indicate a positive effect of between a 3% and 14% increase in house values.

Q – Would adding solar panels put people off buying my property in future?

A – Polling reveals that 69% of British people would buy a home with solar panels, some recent data available indicates that a home with solar panels sells faster than those without; adding solar panels will almost certainly provide a better EPC rating which can only help with a home sale.

Q – What does the term ‘payback period’ mean in relation to solar panels?

A – The payback period refers to the time taken to recoup the money initially paid out for the investment in buying the equipment and having it fitted. This achieved through saving money on bills and selling surplus electricity to energy suppliers.

Q – How long would my payback period be?

A – There are many variables to be considered when calculating the payback period, generally between 6 and 10 years is the average time for most solar PV installations.

If you have any further questions, why not get in touch with our Green Energy Hubs in Inverness or Pitlochry? Our friendly experts will be happy to answer any questions you have regarding renewable energy.

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